Custom handmade cutting boards. Both edgegrain and endgrain styles. Ready to order.
* Serving boards range from $45 to $70.
* Edge grain boards range from $70 to $105
* End grain boards range from $45 to $105
* Tables pictured on the site range from $285 to $485
* Shipping will always be the Safest and least expensive route available. Typically USPS.
* Ranges are done due to so many different options of size and color.
American hardwood cutting boards as well as exotic hardwood cutting boards. Many different styles of serving boards as well..
Custom dining tables.
Small custom furniture.
And of course I always have a few pieces in stock for sale, Always made one a the time by me.

Now I gotta tell you, this is where I cut my teeth making arts and crafts I love this kind of stuff. Lately it's been a lot of Wine bottle holders and Wine service trays or an incredibly unique Vertical chess board made from Purple heart and Ambrosia Maple. I have my Eye on quite a few other small projects I'd like to get into as well... I'm open for suggestions.

Did I mention vertical chess boards.... I have to admit that was a lot of fun to do... Not my design, but still a lot of fun. However what was my design was a featured coffee table I did with 4 Castle joints and a floating tabletop. It's something you just have to see to appreciate.. Castle joints we've all seen before.... It was that floating top that I was really proud of.. if you look straight down on the table nowhere can you see where the top is attached.
All you'll see is air, it appears to be floating. It's a great piece of work nothing like it anywhere...I gotta make another one soon...lol

Well the reason this holds true for my shop, is that fact that I really do make everything one at a time. That's just my style.. Whether it's one of my in stock cutting boards or a custom peace that we work on together. I won't be distracted by something else.. I guess I've always been like that one thing at a time.